Hakkaisan is one of Japan’s leading and most respected sake breweries. It is located in Minami-Uonuma, in Niigata Prefecture, renowned for the abundance of its snow every winter. We are launching Hakkaisan’s Snow-Aged Junmai Ginjo 3 Years, with a view to expanding sake beyond traditional Japanese restaurants.
This very fine and complex sake is made of 100% rice polished at apprx. 50%. It is aged 3 years in Hakkaisan's Yukimuro.
Bottle by Kenya Hara, Nippon Design Center
Since ancient times, snow has been used in Japan as a natural cooler to store perishable goods, as mentioned in the “Nihon Shoki”, one of Japan’s oldest historic records (710 - 794 AD). Hakkaisan’s Yukimuro was constructed in July 2013 as the most eco-friendly maturation facility possible, only using snow to maintain temperature at around 3−5° C all year long.
Launch event for key trade VIPs at The Modern in New York on March 1st , hosted by Hakkaisan’s owner and president Jiro Nagumo and sake expert Timothy Sullivan.